Just Do It!

day light in room through open door on stairs towards field on black background

We’ve all had times like these, where we talk with our friends about how we can’t find the time to write, and we just want to write but it’s so hard, and we hate our jobs because we want to write, but we never actually do any writing. The same happens when it comes to making changes to our routines. We can talk about changing and taking action all we want, but until we actually make those changes, nothing is going to be different.

I hate that rut, and I have a feeling you do too. Now is the time we take practical steps, we implement the changes we want, and we make our writing happen.

A couple of weeks ago, I asked you to make a list, to write down what you’re doing now in terms of writing, and where you would like to be. I asked you what the difference between the two was, and what needed to change for you to get to where you wanted to be. If you haven’t done it already, do it now.

I want you to be detailed. List the tasks and activities you do on a regular basis. This includes things like: coffee with a friend every week; house cleaning every Saturday, driving the kids to music lessons and hockey practice, going to the gym, shovelling the driveway/yard work, visiting parents, time with the nieces and nephews, helping the kids with homework, meal prep, watching The Good Wife and Blacklist. Write down all of it.

Beside each of the activities you list, mark off which ones you enjoy and which ones you don’t. Chances are, the activities you don’t enjoy, are the ones that are necessary to the survival of you and your family, such as work, cleaning, cooking, etc. However, of those activities, are there any of them you can delegate to someone else? Are the absolutely necessary that they get done as frequently as you do them?

For example: are your kids old enough to take on some of the household chores? What about your spouse/partner/roommate? Can they take over some of the duties? Are you in a position to hire a cleaning person to come in once a month to help out? What about the neighbours kids? Can you pay them to clean your driveway and do the yard work?

Is there a way you can use these activities to your advantage? If you’re taking your kids to music lessons or sporting practice, rather than gossiping with the other parents, can you use that time to write?

I have found that in order to make the changes necessary, it is important to start with one thing at a time, then add on. So start with one activity, the one easiest for you to eliminate, reduce, or delegate. I’ve done this by eliminating my specialty cable channels to reduce my TV watching time, though this still needs work; hired a cleaner to come in once a month to reduce the amount of time I spend cleaning because I hate it and take forever to do it; and I use my slow-cooker to make larger meals for left-overs. I also live in a Condo so while I’m not a fan of the maintenance fees, I don’t have to worry about snow removal or lawn-care.

So right now, I’m going to make a deal with you, a committment: I almost always write with the TV on, but I am far more productive without it. My promise to you, is that I’m going to watch less TV. A lot less TV. I’ll reduce the number of shows I record, and give myself at least 3 hours of writing time an evening without the TV on.

What is one activity you can eliminate, reduce, or delegate? Let me know in the comments, and we will hold each other accountable!

The Inevitability of Change

Change is inevitable

One of the first principles of coaching is that change is inevitable. Change can be painful, it can be challenging, and it can be refreshing. Without change, there can be no growth.

Often we fear the word change, because it suggests the unknown. Far too often we would rather stay with what is familiar, than move on to something we know nothing about, assuming some kind of danger lurks around the corner. Without change, we remain in the rut we are in, unhappy, unfulfilled.

Look a the list you made last week, of how much writing you’re actually doing, compared to what you’d like to be doing? What did you say needed to change in your life to make that happen?

The first thing that needs to change, is our mindset. We need to accept that change is necessary for our goals to be met. When you are ready, when you accept this mindset, then you are ready to move on, to grow, and to achieve.

Once you’ve accepted that change is necessary, then you will be more open to determining what changes need to be made. You will recognize what activities need to be dropped or reduced, what you can delegate to others, and how you will alter your work-space.

Recognize that in acknowledging that things need to change, this will not always be an easy road. There will be times along the way when sacrifices are made that will affect you, and potentially cause some discomfort with family and friends, especially should you decide to spend less time with them. There will be times when you would rather stay for that extra beer, or watch the game, fall back into the same routine you have now because it is easier, and familiar. But will it get you to where you want to go?

Rather than seeing these changes as all sacrifice and doom and gloom, look forward to them. See them as finally the chance to work on what you want to do. See them as necessary self-care, putting yourself and your goals first. See them as stepping into who you are meant to be, into that better life you want, finding that happiness and fulfillment you want.

When you take care of yourself, put yourself first for a little bit each day, you will be happier. When you are happier, you will be more willing to interact with family and friends, you will be better equipped to take care of their needs.

What is holding you back from accepting change? What can you do to accept change? Join in the conversation!

Until you try, you’ll never know

Through Accepting Limints


The other day I was telling a friend that the soundtrack to the musical “Wicked” was the soundtrack to my life. It may or may not be a bit of an exaggeration, but two lines in particular resonate the most with me: “I’m through accepting limits, ’cause someone says they’re so. Some things I cannot change, but ’til I try, I’ll never know.”

Back in the summer of 2004, I took a trip to New York City. I saw the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, the American Museum of Natural History, the Guggenheim, went to the top of the Empire State Building, and so much more. It was a fantastic week. I also went to see “Wicked” on Broadway, with much of the original cast, including the incredible Idina Menzel. (brag, brag, brag).

This wasn’t just a random trip to New York. While it was a trip I’d always wanted to make, I had decided to go to New York because I didn’t get in to the Odyssey Writing Workshop. I’d made the waiting list, but not in to the actual workshop. I’d thought that was it, whatever, I’ll cheer myself up with a great vacation.

I’d been in a rough place for some time. I was nearing (if I wasn’t already) clinical burn-out at my job, I had no social life to speak of, and my writing was just not happening. I was tired of it. I was tired of being tired, and of failing to live the life I wanted to live, because I was doing what was expected of me. To say I felt stuck was an understatement. I needed to get out. Hearing those lines “Some things I cannot change, but ’til I try, I’ll never know,” stuck with me. I could relate. I needed to at least give change an honest try.

I gave myself 1 year to make things happen; to change my job, and to take my writing more seriously.

A few months later, I was given the opportunity to work in Northern Ireland for a year. It was a dream come true. As I was preparing for Northern Ireland, I received a reminder of the application deadline for Odyssey. I hadn’t intended to apply again, but since I was already leaving my job, I decided “why not?” I could just leave work a few weeks earlier than planned. That summer, I got into Odyssey.

Big changes were happening. They were happening because I was committed to making them happen. They didn’t come easy. Sacrifices had to be made. I had to sell my condo to be able to afford to go. I had to give up my pet bunny, I had to leave my family, in particular my young nieces and nephew whom I adore.

Last week I asked you how committed you were to achieving your writing goals. It can be easy to say your 100% committed, that you’ll spend every waking minute on your goals, or to writing 1 word a day, every day. But unless something changes in your daily routine to make that time, it doesn’t matter how committed you are, it still isn’t going to happen.

What needs to change in your life, to make it possible for you to follow-through with your commitment? What needs to change so you can achieve your goals?

How much are you writing now? How much would you like to be writing? What is the difference between the two? What needs to change to get to where you want to be?

I’m going to throw in a caveat here. We’d all like to quit our day jobs and write full-time. Unless that is truly financially feasible for you right now, let’s assume that it isn’t and it won’t be for a few years. So think about what needs to change without quitting work.

I’d love to hear where you’re at and where you’d like to be. Join the conversation!




At the end of each coaching session, clients are asked to come up with action steps that will help them accomplish the goals they set during the session. After the action steps have been stated, the client is asked to rate on a scale of 1 to 10, how committed they are to carrying through with the actions. If the coaching session has been a good one, the client is generally pretty keen and committed. The actual carry-through is a different matter.

I know.

I’ve been through these sessions, and I feel that level of commitment. I have a clear plan, the steps aren’t big, they’re doable. I also know my own laziness. I can be perfectly committed, and then I hang up the call, and then I go to my kitchen to get a drink and I get distracted, and often times, that commitment dissipates. It’s like it never existed.

The problem is that solid commitment is necessary to achieve our goals.

To a certain extent, that wavering of commitment is on me. In part, it is the responsibility of the coach to make sure the client truly wants the end result and is willing to do what it takes to get there. If that commitment isn’t there, then the coach didn’t ask the right questions to elicit the goal and actions that resonate strongest with the client, to make sure it is something the client really wants.

When the goals and actions coincide with what the client truly wants, they will do anything to get there, and great things are accomplished.

Last week I asked you what your writing goals are. I asked you to dream big and I asked you to make them specific.

Now I’m going to ask you how badly you want to achieve them.

Are they someday I hope to get their dreams? Or are they something you want so bad you can taste it, to not get there will devastate you?

I’m a huge sports fan. One of the things that amazes me about athletes, is their commitment. When we get to see them, it is at a competition of some kind, where they’re showing off their skills and abilities. And the best ones are exhilarating to watch..

What we don’t see, are the hours and hours of time they put in at the gym lifting weights and doing cardio, and the hours of training, perhaps practicing one particular move over and over and over again. Honestly, I don’t know how they do it. I can barely stand half an hour on a treadmill. But they do it. Day after day, hours each day, because they know it is only the hard work they put in, that will get them to their goal.

So here’s my athlete-envy analogy: writers are athletes too. Our glory event, competition, is when our writing gets published, when we get to do a reading. That’s the exciting part, where people get to see our talent and skill.

The time we spend at the keyboard or putting pen to paper, writing those words down, are the same as the hours athletes spend in the gym. The hours we spend editing, perfecting our words, are the same as the hours athletes take perfecting each maneuver.

I think we can all agree, that most of the time, sitting down and writing isn’t fun. We love writing, we love telling stories, but it would be so much easier doing something else: going out with friends, going to a movie, especially having a nap. OK, maybe that last one is just me. I wonder about athletes. How much do they enjoy running on a track or pumping iron and all the other training they have to do? I am sure there are days they want to just stay home or go out with friends. But they don’t. They go to work. Because to not go in to the gym means they are farther from their goal.

So how much do you want it? Are you willing to push through the unpleasantness of the drudgery of writing? Are you willing to push through to find the enjoyment in the work?

I am. I am committed to editing this novel, making it the best it can be. I am committed to getting this novel done and out the door. And I am committed to working on it every day, in every spare moment.

Are you with me?

Make it so!

Happy New Year!

Join me on a goal-achieving adventure this year!

Believe it or not, I’m not big on new year’s resolutions. Why? They tend to be impossibly big, vague, and requiring a drastic change with little to no preparation before-hand.

That doesn’t mean I don’t make any plans or goals for the new year, and I expect you’re the same way. Why don’t we accomplish them together?

Over the next several months, on this blog, I’m going to walk through what needs to be done to achieve our goals. I want you to be a big part of this community. Comment on the posts, participate in the challenges, let me know what is working for you, and what isn’t working for you. With your participation, you will help keep me accountable, and I promise to do the same for you.

To start this adventure, let’s talk about our goals for the year.

Setting goals is one thing. To actually achieve them—to put in the work, to make the time—is a different beast. You’ve probably heard the saying that knowledge is power. Perhaps you’ve also heard that using that knowledge is the real power. I’ve talked more than enough about setting achievable and exceedable goals. You can see yourself the achievable goal of writing one word a day, but if you do nothing different to make that happen, then even that one word a day goal isn’t achievable.

The first thing we need to do to make sure we can accomplish our goals, is to make them specific. Remember my problem with new year’s resolutions being too vague? We don’t want that. We want to be as specific as possible. But like resolutions, make them big. I want us to push ourselves this year. We don’t have to worry about them being too drastic a change, because we have all year to accomplish them.

Aim high.

What are your writing goals for this year?

I’ve got an ambitious year planned. I have a first draft of a novel written that I need to have fully edited and out the door, hopefully in March, or June at the latest. I also want to outline, draft, and edit a second novel by the end of December. And my stretch goal is to outline a couple more novels.

Now it’s your turn. Share your goals in the comments. Telling others what your goals are is a great start to keeping each other accountable and making those goals happen.

Let’s make this year OUR most successful year yet!

Ending the Overwhelm

The instantaneous consumerism of the internet  is overloading authors with pressure to be more and more prolific. It is no longer considered prolific to be publishing a book a year.

The rapidly changing publishing industry is creating havoc. Traditionally published authors aren’t certain they’ll have a future in it, and indie authors are scrambling to produce enough to find and sustain an audience. One of the buzzwords that authors talk about is “diversification.” This means not only writing novels and short stories, but writing for video games, other new media projects, television, movies, the stage, finding speaking engagements, and writing news articles.

I think diversification is great, if you can do it. But what happens if you try to do it all? I’m reminded of a saying, that someone trying to do it all is a “Jack of all trades, master of none.” My interpretation of that saying is that in trying to do it all, you are spreading yourself too thin, and not mastering the one or two areas where you can truly polish your skills and excel at it.

Become a master.

  1. Think about what kind of writing career you truly want. Do you want a long-lasting career? Or do you want to make a bucket-load of money right now? Where do you want to be in 20 years from now?
  2. What is the fundamental value behind that career choice?  Is it pride in self and your work? Is it acceptance? Is it leaving a financial legacy for your family?
  3. Look at all the potential projects on your desk that you think you need to do to diversify and make some money. Which of those projects speak to what you value about your writing career? Which ones show off your greatest skills and talent as a writer?
  4. Pick the one or two other projects that will advance your career and your legacy.

Once you set these projects as your writing priorities, you will have more energy, motivation, and focus on what you need to do. And when you have that energy and focus, you will become a master of your writing career.

What do you want your writing career to be? What projects are getting in the way?

Guest Blogging and Workshops and Books, oh my!

This morning I am blogging over at Savvy Authors http://savvyauthors.com/blog/ on Identity and the writer. In the article I talk about why we so often question ourselves being “real” writers, what we can do about it, and the positive results we experience when we embrace our identity.

If you like what you read in that blog, or here, consider taking my course “Silencing Your Inner Saboteur” which I will be teaching online through Savvy Authors, running June 9 – 29. See what others have said about the workshop on my workshops page here.

Still not sure? Why not download the first four chapters of my book “Silencing Your Inner Saboteur” for FREE, just sign up for my mailing list on my home page here, which will, in the near future, news about upcoming releases, special offers, and more.

And finally, if you are interested in exploring the idea of having a coach to help you reach your writing goals, to push through the writer’s block, to be more productive, I offer a no-obligation complimentary session. It’s a great opportunity to see if coaching is right for you, and if we’d make a good partnership in your journey. Just fill out the form below and I will contact you within 24 hours. I’d love to have a chat with you!


Levelling Up

As I mentioned in my last post, I had a fantastic holiday break during which I spent my days being nothing but a writer. I finished a first draft of a novel, and have begun major edits on another. Before I started those edits, though, I sat down and took some time thinking about what I need to do to elevate my writing, to take it to the next level.

The publishing industry is in major flux, with mergers and the growing number of small presses and indie-authors. The reading public is also more demanding, requiring constant improvement by authors. The quality of writing that may have won a major award a few years ago is now what is expected of the average author. I love the challenge.

That’s why I enjoy the editing process so much. I have grown to love fine-tuning the prose, getting things just right, making sure the creative dream I had when I first wrote the story, becomes clear, vivid, real. But it isn’t enough any more. I’ve grown as a writer and so what I wrote a few years ago and thought was great, now needs a lot of work.

Facing that challenge can be daunting, but being the stubborn person that I am, I chose to take it on, to prove that it can be done. After all, growing and learing is a life-long process.

Where are you in your writing career? Are you satisfied or do you want to take it to the next level? What one thing will you do to challenge yourself in your growth as a writer?

Consider hiring a Coach to help stretch you, and get you to where you want to be. Not sure that coaching is for you? I offer a Complimentary 45 minute coaching session. It’s a great opportunity to explore what coaching is really like, and if it is the right thing for you. If you’re interested, send me an e-mail at sherrypeters @ outlook . com.


Other notes:

I am Guest Blogger today over at The Fictorians, discussing the importance of attending your local fan convention.

Don’t forget to sign up for the following workshop:

Plan for Success
January 20, 2014 – February 16, 2014
at Savvy Authors

It is easy to create lists of projects we want to complete and goals we want to achieve. How often do those projects and goals get abandoned part-way to completion or even before they are started? No matter how good our intentions are or how hard we work to complete the projects, something seems to get in the way. This workshop is an intensive look at the four stages of project completion and how to overcome the fears that stop us.

Start the year right!

January 2014! Where has the time gone? I know where my December went: mostly it was spent writing! It was glorious, especially for the last two weeks, I got to live my days as a writer and nothing else. So much progress was made!

While I usually do a major overhaul of my annual goals on my birthday, New Year’s is about the half-way mark, so it’s always a bit of a check in for me. Given all the writing I was able to do over December, I am able to stick with my original annual goals, which means that I’ll be editing two novels over the next several months. I LOVE editing and so I’m extra excited about the projects.

How about you? Did you make any New Year’s Resolutions for your writing? Share them and we can keep each other accountable. In the meantime, here are a few resources to help you keep to your writing goals:

Leave a comment below if your are interested in a Complimentary Coaching Session. This no obligation session is a great opportunity to see if Coaching is the right direction for you. It will last approximately  45 minutes and can be done over the phone, by Skype, or Google+, so location and time zones aren’t a problem.

Workshops: (Links will take you to the registration page)

Plan for Success
January 20, 2014 – February 16, 2014
at Savvy Authors

It is easy to create lists of projects we want to complete and goals we want to achieve. How often do those projects and goals get abandoned part-way to completion or even before they are started? No matter how good our intentions are or how hard we work to complete the projects, something seems to get in the way. This workshop is an intensive look at the four stages of project completion and how to overcome the fears that stop us.

Silencing Your Inner Saboteur Workshop

June 9, 2014 – July 6, 2014
at Savvy Authors

In this workshop, participants will identify the voice of your saboteur, recognize the tricks it uses to keep you from achieving your goals, and how to win the battle against it.

But I have a Day Job
November 3, 2014 – November 14, 2014
at Savvy Authors

Though we all dream of the day we can quit our day job to spend our days doing what we love, pursuing our passion, the reality is that for most of us, this may never happen, or it will not happen for years. So how do you find the time to do what you love, even change careers, when there are bills to pay, jobs to go to, kids to take care of, homes to clean, and so many other demands on our time? In this workshop, participants will look at the priorities in their lives and how to strike that work/life balance.

Silencing Your Inner Saboteur
Print edition available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

e-book now available at
SmashwordsAmazonKoboNookDiesel eBooks, Sony Books, and iBooks


Upcoming Workshops

I’m ecstatic to let you all know that I will be offering the following workshops in 2014 through Savvy Authors. I will update the links to the registration pages as they become availabe, so stay tuned to the little box on the right-hand side of this page. In the meantime, below is some information about what you can expect in each workshop.

Plan for Success
January 20, 2014 – February 16, 2014
at Savvy Authors

It is easy to create lists of projects we want to complete and goals we want to achieve. How often do those projects and goals get abandoned part-way to completion or even before they are started? No matter how good our intentions are or how hard we work to complete the projects, something seems to get in the way. This workshop is an intensive look at the four stages of project completion and how to overcome the fears that stop us.

The lessons will cover:

Fear of Dreaming
Fear of Failure
Fear of Upsetting People
Fear of Conflict
Wrap-Up and Q & A

Silencing Your Inner Saboteur Workshop 

June 9, 2014 – July 6, 2014
at Savvy Authors

In this workshop, participants will identify the voice of your saboteur, recognize the tricks it uses to keep you from achieving your goals, and how to win the battle against it.

The workshop covers such topics as:
The source of the Saboteur
Identifying the Dominant Voice of the Saboteur
What the Saboteur Says
The Physical Manifestation or The Symptoms of the Saboteur in your life
Naming the Saboteur
Goal Setting
“Go away and never come back!”: Other ways to silence the Saboteur
But I have a Day Job
November 3, 2014 – November 14, 2014
at Savvy Authors

Though we all dream of the day we can quit our day job to spend our days doing what we love, pursuing our passion, the reality is that for most of us, this may never happen, or it will not happen for years. So how do you find the time to do what you love, even change careers, when there are bills to pay, jobs to go to, kids to take care of, homes to clean, and so many other demands on our time? In this workshop, participants will look at the priorities in their lives and how to strike that work/life balance.

The lessons will cover:

Is a work/life balance possible?
Goal Setting
Time Management
Wrap-Up and Q & A

For all workshops, supporting exercises reinforce the lessons, and I provide individual feedback to participants.